Saturday, August 19, 2023

BiH-Croatia Such A Fun VIsit --First Stop Banja Luka

The boys had been literally begging to go back to visit Banja Luka since we left. Foster's 10th birthday wish, after blwoing out the candle "to visit Banja Luka." So with new passports in hand, this past winter we booked our trip. Not knowing what it was going to be like for the boys. They have such big memories of Banja Luka, their friends our apartment, cevapi. John and I weren't sure how things would measure up once we got there.

Well, we shouldn't have been worried. We had 4 days of non-stop fun. Even a 3-hour delay at the border on Friday evening didn't dampen our excitement and fun. The only regret Foster had was that "we should have stayed longer" and "he wants us to go back there and live." The boys bucket list was completed--eating Vera's wonderful cooking; seeing old friends (Jan and his family, Petar and his family, Alexis, Filip); vsiting their old school and apartment; eating cevapci everyday (including a velika (large) portion at our favorite Cevaptaria near our old apartment; and ass much Sauk od Jagoda (strawberry juice) as they could drink.

Kai at the Kanyon restaurant overlooking the Verbas.

One of our favorite places Krupa na Verbasu, that we visited so many times.

Recreating one of our favorite photos of Kai at Krupa. 
Kai 2023
Kai 2016

Soccer in Mladen Stanovic park.

Teaching everyone wiffle ball in the park, likely the first time baseball has ever been played here.

Exploring near Vera's house with Alexa and Lauren.

Axe chopping at Vera's. Foster said that this was his favorite thing to do in Banja Luka.

A feast prepared by Vera.

Enjoying a long lunch at Vera's with Jen and Alex.

The gang is back together, Jan, Filip and Toofani.

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