Saturday, November 23, 2019

Halloween Shenanigans

Foster's costume this year was unintentionally perfectly fit to celebrate the Nats October 30th World Series win.  As we were thinking of costumes he of course wanted something with baseball. Wen he mentioned he wanted to be a player I pushed him t think of something more interesting.  Then I thought that it would be cool to be one of the Nats bobble heard presidents who run around the stadium at the 4th inning. In particular he wanted to be the happless Teddy Roosevelt who never wins. It took several innings, but we sculpted out of paper mache a mask, then there was painting and we had to figure out how to make it into a mask. Lots of fun to make and for Foster to wear. 

And of course for truck-or-treat keeping with the Nats theme, we had a "Natsmobile." Because the game was on, Foster and as many kids as possible crowded into the car to listen to the game on the radio.

Kai decided that the astronaut costume we had but he hadn't worn would be fun, likely this was also influenced by our many trips to the Air and Space Museum!!

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