Sunday, August 20, 2017

Paw Patrol Celebration for Kai and Foster

When we got back to Banja Luka we had a joint birthday party with Kai at a local play area with kids from school. Foster had insisted on a "big" Paw Patrol  party with all his friends, just exactly what he got. Despite the 100 degree weather, everyone had a good time with a Paw Patrol pinata and cake! The pinata was homemade and took a lot beatings before it finally broke open, luckily the kids were patient and no one got hurt (although a few close calls) especially for the pinata holder.

There was a little drama for the birthday boy, when he watched his new airplane balloon float into the sky, wasn't able to hoard enough candy from the pinata and got too close to the firework candles, but this was likely a product off too much sugar and fun!! Kai was just happy that Vera and her family came so he had someone to hang out with.

Yep--these firework candles are standard at birthday parties here, something you'd likely never see in the U.S.

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