Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pumpkins, police and Cute inmates--it must be Halloween

At first I didn't think we would have any Halloween parties in Banja Luka, but by October 31st we had 4 parties and enough candy for the whole year.

We had a kids party at the Banja Luka office (where Foster was going to go into the dungeon and arrest the scary skeleton), a Halloween event at the American corner (where the one American child (e.g. Foster) chose to sit and read Berstein bear books the whole time); an adult party (Donald Trump and the Devil costumes for John and Sutton).

On Sunday we had aa party at our house for Foster's friend where we introduced everyone to trick-or-treating.  We also had apple bobbing, but the apples were too big and lots of running round fueled by all of the sugar. And lastly a Mask Ball at Foster's preschool for all of the kids and parents. Foster gots lots of use out of his Polizia/Polic costume as well as his side kick Inmate Kai.

To top it off we had actual trick-or-treaters come on the evenng of Oct. 31, we were happy to give away some of our collected candy, Foster was not. Instead of being excited, he began screaming and crying telling us not to give away hiw candy. The kids actually felt really bad and were telling him it was okay. Learning to like Halloween on both sides of the deal--giving and getting.

Funny thing is that Foster hasn't asked for the candy since. We put it up and away--out of sight out of mind.

Officer Foster and his sidekick!

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