Monday, November 21, 2016

I like to move it move it

So Kai has been showing his dance moves lately. Whenever he hears any type of music, his heads starts bobbing and his hands are waving and he is getting down, hard to contain his excitement. Even in the car as soon as the radio comes on he is moving away. He realy likes just about anything, but is partial to "I like to move it, move it" and "who let the dogs out." Also, he loves to sit and watch music, just like his brother.

At the Kazamat restaurant in Banja Luka, loving the traditional live music!


We have a Walker

Kai waited until 17.5 months to use his two feet. We have been waiting, at times worried, until this little boy moved from his signature Kai scoots to tentative steps across the living room floor. But now we have no need to worry--he's off to explore the world, getting more adventurous every day. He still insists on holding mom and dad's finger or Foster's hands sometimes, but we are starting a new chapter for this little boy.


Rakija Celebration in the Country

Beautiful Bosnian country-side in the fall. The trees full of apples, warm weather, 8 dead animals on the "rotisserie," unlimited rakija bottles and beer (with ten year olds mannig the kegs), great music equals a Bosnian rakija festival. You can't get more Bosnian than this!

A visit to Rovinj, Croatia

Our first trip to beautiful Istria in Croatia. The weather was a bit underwhelming with torrential downpours, then snow and fog and pretty chilly when we were in Rovinj (but it was perfect hot chocolate waether). Nevertheless, it was nice to have the city to ourselves and it was beautiful. We can't wait to go back in the spring or summer.


Long Weekend in Slovenia

We took the Columbus Day weekend and headed to Slovenia. We stayed at the Siker guest house that Damir's family runs and John had visited 10 years ago. We had a great meal and the boys liked getting to see the swans on the nearby pond. We also stopped in Zagreb and Foster got a chance to play with Damir's nephew Hervoje.


In the Park with Our Family

Grandma and Granpa Meagher an Aunt Whitney traveled all of the way to visit us in Banja Luka. We had great weather to get out and walk around and show them Banja Luka. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ruff Ruff!!

Although he was an inmate for Halloween officially, Kai had to get some photos in the dog costume Foster wore when he was about Kai's age. And it was perfect because Kai loves stuffed animals and dogs. He got so excited to put it on!

Pumpkins, police and Cute inmates--it must be Halloween

At first I didn't think we would have any Halloween parties in Banja Luka, but by October 31st we had 4 parties and enough candy for the whole year.

We had a kids party at the Banja Luka office (where Foster was going to go into the dungeon and arrest the scary skeleton), a Halloween event at the American corner (where the one American child (e.g. Foster) chose to sit and read Berstein bear books the whole time); an adult party (Donald Trump and the Devil costumes for John and Sutton).

On Sunday we had aa party at our house for Foster's friend where we introduced everyone to trick-or-treating.  We also had apple bobbing, but the apples were too big and lots of running round fueled by all of the sugar. And lastly a Mask Ball at Foster's preschool for all of the kids and parents. Foster gots lots of use out of his Polizia/Polic costume as well as his side kick Inmate Kai.

To top it off we had actual trick-or-treaters come on the evenng of Oct. 31, we were happy to give away some of our collected candy, Foster was not. Instead of being excited, he began screaming and crying telling us not to give away hiw candy. The kids actually felt really bad and were telling him it was okay. Learning to like Halloween on both sides of the deal--giving and getting.

Funny thing is that Foster hasn't asked for the candy since. We put it up and away--out of sight out of mind.

Officer Foster and his sidekick!