Monday, June 1, 2015

Welcome Kai Meagher Mataya

Kai Meagher Mataya arrived on May 25th, at 12:54. He was a healthy 9 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long. We were getting pretty antsy for his arrival to say the least. He was born at 41 weeks and 1 day, just like his big brother. 

Mom had been feeling light contractions for about a week and every day felt like "today is the day."  We even called the midwife on Saturday night thinking that we would be coming in and she said, "take a nap," which Sutton did and promptly the contractions stopped, maybe Kai decided he also needed a nap. Finally, on Sunday everything speeded up. Sutton walked at a park near by for about an hour and a half, hoping to jumpstart things and it worked. We had dinner, with Sutton having to stand every once in a while to walk through a contraction. As the evening wore on the contractions got stronger and finally at about 11 pm, we decided it was time to head to the hospital. Aunt Whitney had come to stay with Foster, so nice to not have to bring him anywhere.

We got to the hospital at about 11:30 and Sutton went straight to the delivery room. The midwife did an exam and told us, "get ready you are going to have a baby very soon." John was Sutton's literal rock, as she held onto him through every contraction, almost putting marks on his arms she was grabbing him so tightly. About an hour later, Sutton's water broke and after 15 minutes of pushing Kai was born. He was alert and so calm. At one point the nurses said that we needed to make him cry more so that he would expel the liquid in his lungs. He started feeding right away and has not stopped.

Kai's entrance was perfect, as it was Memorial Day, so Aunt Whitney was able to stay with Foster and bring him in to meet Baby Kai that day. Foster was immediately smitten and wanted to know if we could take him home. 

Foster is loving his new role as Big Brother.

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