Monday, March 23, 2015

Moving to D.C.--2 weeks of winter make up for 2 years

Over a month without a blog post, but that doesn't mean we haven't been doing anything exciting, quite the opposite. We have been pretty busy moving to D.C into a new house, language classes for John & Sutton and a new school for Foster. Our move coincided with the last 2 weeks of winter.

We have definitely become winter wimps after balmy warm Hyderabadi weather. We were thrust into the middle of the cold, blustery days, walking over ice and through the snow to get to work and other places. We even got a snow day. All that being said, we love being back in D.C. Foster is loving taking the bus and just walking around outside, seeing all of the new things like buses, firetrucks, ambulances. When we arrived at our new place the first thing he said was "a mailbox," we can't take anything for granted.

After one week at daycare, Foster managed to catch all of the American bugs in one swoop, cold with fever and cough (check), pink eye (check), and ear infection (check). Indian bugs had nothing against these U.S. daycare bugs. Then Sutton & John got minor versions of the above as well. Luckily with the cold weather, we just hunkered down inside. And then 1.5 weeks later, the sun came out, we all felt better and Foster actually said that he "wanted to go to school" (impressive considering most of the previous days there had been tears involved at the daycare drop off. So a month later, we have turned a corner and are rally starting to enjoy D.C. We have managed to get into the city almost every weekend.

One of our first stops was the Air & Space Museum. Foster was a bit sleepy in his stroller, but once we entered the museum, he was up and literally running around with excitement. My favorite quote of the day, "I love this museum." The only way we could pry him away was a promise to come back soon.

Hanging out with our Hyderabad Friends and getting to drive Rasheed and Anna around

Going to the Air & Space Museum with Whitney--more to come

Dealing with the cold wasn't easy, even when it got to be warm out, Foster needed some extra warmth during those colder mornings.

A melting snowman in front of our new house.

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