Monday, April 28, 2014

Ellora Caves

The next day we headed to the Ellora caves, also a UNESCO World Heritage site and only 45 minutes from Aurungabad. This was the most impressive site we saw during our trip. The whole area had been carved into a mountain.

And Foster's Paparazzi continues to follow him.

Sometimes India just makes us a little crazy.

Hanging out with the guard at the hotel.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ajunta Caves

We flew into Mumbai and then the next day headed to Arungabad, where we took a 2.5 hour drive to the Ajunta caves, which is a World Heritage Site.  Foster had a blast running around the caves, which turned out to be pretty cool, literally ancient A.C.

Here is the link if the video doesn't appear:

Foster entertaining the crowd outside the caves with his counting skills.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

An Egg-cellent Easter

Foster definitely got into the Easter spirit this year the perfect chance for him to learn lots of new words such a "hiding," "dying," and "finding" eggs and best of all that they contained "chocolate."  He had lots of fun and we still find random eggs around the house which he has hidden.