Tuesday, April 28, 2020

And more LEGOs

The boys built a LEGO city with a police station and airport. We had LEGO kits from previous birthday gifts that we had never opened, perfect for these long, long days at home.  The boys asked to have their picture taken and submitted to LEGO magazine to be published.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Although things were different this year, a limit on the eggs we could dye and no gatherings, the Easter bunny still visited. The boys were excited and ended up even hiding the eggs again for themselves several times over the next few days.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Mask Up

As the guidance changed and we found out that masks even cotton ones could help stop the spread, I drug out my sewing machine. It was telling that the material I had was from Kai's baby blanket, my last project 5 years ago. It took me a whole day, but we ended up with masks.

Luckily Aunt P. began churning them out and she gave us all sorts of masks.