Saturday, July 27, 2019

Spring Break--South Padre Style

We joined Grandma and Grandpa this year in South Padre for the boys' spring break. Although the weather wasn't exactly beach weather, we made the most of it.  And the best part of the whole trip?  The make your own waffle station at the hotel.

Lake time--part 2

And more pictures and video clips from life at the lake.

Lake Time--Part 1

The first few days at the lake this summer Kai was hesitant to jump in. He would hang out at the ladder and he was scared of going fast on the boat. Well that was short-lived. Now he is running and jumping and even "diving" and screaming for Grandpa to go faster and faster in the boat.  And once Lance taught him how to fish--he was an official fisherman and informed me that he needed a fishing boat as well. 

This is what great summer memories are made of.