Saturday, April 6, 2019

Cherry Blossoming

foster first experience with the cherry blossoms. Kai fell asleep when we got here, not impressed

Kai’s first baseball game

Capitols is our name and fun is our game! Kai’s first game today. His best move, hitting a good hit then running from first to home. Must get that from his mom.

Capitols is our name and fun is our game.  They were too cute and too sweet today. Who could even keep score. Kai’s highlight was running from first to home plate, he must get that from his mom.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Brothers Reading

After a long week with John being gone and all of us being sick, one evening Foster said "come on Kai, let's go upstairs and read, so we can get to bed early." And then Kai followed him upstairs and sure enough 15 minutes later, two little boys settling in for bed.   Wonders never cease.

Grandma and Alex Visit

Oh what fun---a visit by Grandma Becky and Alex.  Although it was cold, we made the best of it, museums, baseball games, video games, late night cuddles and reading--lots of memories made.  And we can't wait for the next visit.

Women's March

We've been talking about the kinds of marches and protests that have taken place in D.C. over the years.  We went to the Women's March and Foster loved trying to read all the signs and how the streets were blocked off.  It was agreed that next time we'll need signs.

Kai wasn't so impressed.

Go Dogs Go! Kai is reading

Kai has been inspired by all of the reading his big brother has been doing and had to get him in the game too.

Snow Fun!!

Two snow days this year! One wonderful big perfect for sledding snow (and luckily Lee Montessori has the perfect hills for our Bosnian sled) and one more wet snow, where Foster was the only who ventured out to sweep ours and neighbors' driveways. But time for hot chocolates, s'mores and hotdogs!