Thursday, April 21, 2016

The World on Fire

Literally every day out our house the fire station bell rings and Foster has t go and take care of some calamity--maybe there are monkeys on the loose at the park or a whale stuck in the bathtub. He puts on his breathing apparatus and hops in his firetruck and away he goes.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

In this better love firetrucks

Some more Egg-huntin' and a Birthday Party to Boot

We got to have another Easter party here in Banja Luka, this time to celebrate the upcoming Serbian Othodox Easter which will be celebrated in a few weeks. We had a party at Sutton's boss's house. Beautiful weather, wonderful Bosnia cevapci and fish on the grill and more eggs and treat sofr Foster to look for, a great day!

And then to cap the day off--one of Foster's best friends at school had a birthday party--quite a busy fun weekend.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Easter--Somebunny was a bit late

With John in India and our house still in the middle of moving chaos, the Easter Bunny didn't quite make it in time, instead coming a week later. Luckily, Foster doesn't seem to notice but sent EB a note asking him when he was coming to Bosnia. The Serb-orthodox Easter is two weeks later than the Christian one, so technically EB made it on time. Foster got a chocolate bunny that he devoured right away, Captain Underpants books, shirts and a breathing apparatus, which was part of Grandma's C-PAP sleeping machine, he made out pretty well and almost forgot about finding the eggs and eating the bunny cake EB left. Kai was pretty happy with the Easter grass in the baskets.

Can we already be in double digits?

And just like that another month has gone making Kai 10 months old. He has become more vocal now and makes distinctive mom and dad sounds. His giggles waking up the in the morning and seeing Foster are amazing. He just seems so happy to be there. He easily gets bored now and is starting to moves his arms to show you that he wants to be picked up and carried around so he can check everything. He still is against anything to do with crawling but has started working with a  physical therapist. Poor guy, he often falls asleep in the middle of therapy it tuckers him out so much. He also loves mom and dad's phones and FaceTime.

The sticker lasted just enough time to snap a shot, indicative of most things these days that Kai wants to grab and explore.

Dying of the Easter Eggs

Unfortunately in Banja Luka we only get brown eggs so most of our eggs were a murky bluish, brownish color, but that didn't bother Foster who loved the stickers from Aunt Whitney as well.