Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Oh my Kai--9 months!

Kai has been doing lots of growing the last month and starting to get a sweet little belly and "thunder thighs." He loves to eat, which shows. Yogurt, veggies, prunes, hunks of bread, he will give anything a try. His hair still is a mystery, light colored for sure, but some random straight strands and little fuzz, maybe curly?

And his new teeth are starting to show. The top tooth is poking out the farthest, but the bottom ones will be out soon too. As his nature, he doesn't seem to bother him much. Kai still has no interest in crawling or standing up and the one thing that will definitely bring him to tears is to put him on his tummy. Unsurprisingly, he has figured out how to quickly flip over from his tummy to his back. He is also talking up a storm. If he could be outside all day walking around in the stroller he would be the happiest baby ever.

The people in Banja Luka, especially the ladies love watching me and making me laugh. They are always giving my mom and dad the stink eye because I never have on socks. But socks last less than 10 seconds on my feet, too much fun to pull them off. I even tried to pull off Foster's the other day.