Friday, April 26, 2013

A little belated, but still Egg-celent

I know that Easter happened a couple of weeks ago, but I just can't get enough of shiny Easter eggs and candy, oh my. I love how it sounds rattling around in the package or squishing in my hands. Eat it? What know one told me about that. I will have to start looking around to see where the Big people hid those chocolate eggs and Peeps so I can try them out.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Motor Boat, Motor Boat

One of my favorite things to do these days is to take a dip in the pool. Specifically, I like to float around and be entertained by all of the other crazy kids jumping in the water and throwing me a ball every once in awhile. Grandma Meagher sent me this super cool boat to float around in. I am the envy of all of the kids at the pool. What a nice way to spend the super hot days that are coming up in May. Grandpa, I am definitely ready to be your skipper any time.


Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm going to miss my outsourced grandma

Our next door neighbor Kathy and Jim are leaving India today. Foster loved having an "outsourced" Grandma across the hall.  His face would always light up every time Kathy stopped by to say hello.  We had so much fun and truly enjoyed their company.  I hope after two years in Hyderabad we can say that we had as much fun here as Kathy and Jim. They were an inspiration on how to make the most from living in Hyderabad. We are going to miss you Kathy and Jim.  Travel safe and hope you enjoy your time back in the States with your Grandkids. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

I am 9 months old!

I like to crawl everywhere and get into anything that is within arms reach. I have also started making sounds, one of which definitely sounds like ma-ma (or at least my mom likes to think so). I am especially interested in anything that is dangerous or dirty (i.e. potted plants, assorted cords, and dryer lint). I love, love other kids and squeal when I see any little human under 5 years of age. My hair still has a mind of its own.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rubber Ducky I love you

We don't have a bathtub so my mom got me an awesome rubber ducky bathtub, I love it!

Check out my video:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Some-bunny says Happy Easter

A little belated--but Happy Easter from Hyderabad. As you can see Foster had a special "Easter Bonnet." We went to mass and had a great time, Foster loved all of the music, but the church wasn't air conditioned so things got a bit warm.